I would like to tell you about the start of my yoga journey in Byron Bay.
In February 2010 at almost 51 years old, I continued my yoga journey in Byron.
My introduction to Byron was very full on and changed my life.
I left my very busy life and my very busy personal training business to fully immerse myself into Byron Yoga Centre in the heart of Byron.
Level I yoga teacher training here I come!! Along with 53 others I was to embrace 250 hours of teacher training to become a beginners yoga teacher. I was to learn to sit and stare at candles, correction learn just sit still and breath. Learn to chant. Learn non judgement and practice letting go of ego. Learn all the sanskit names of yoga poses and some of them are so long. Learn to be told when to eat.
Learn to not eat meat, garlic, onion, egg, most dairy and coffee for 3 weeks.
(we did have time off for lunch and did have some treats at lunch time, if we could get into town).
Day 5 I was very emotional, missing home and my "normal life", which wasn't so normal!!
I felt angry with myself that 5 minutes of sitting and breathing felt like 5 hours and I was feeling like I was the only one that was struggling. I was having problems with my stomach with so many lentils and beans.
I was not hungry but I was missing foods I was used to.
I was using a lot of energy with 5-6 hours of yoga practice every day.
I am used to being in control of my life and I was feeling very out of control.
I was up at 5.30am every morning and finishing at 8.00pm with very little time to do other things that I enjoy.
After the hurdles of the first week everything started to fall into place and I was loving the experience. I met so many new people and found that when you let go of your ego and I realised that everyone was having their struggles.
I learnt that when you were not trying to be perfect that the magic happens. At the end of 3 weeks when it was time to go home.
I decided that I wanted to return to Byron one a year for the rest of my life. This is what I have done since then.
In 2012 I returned to Byron to do my 2nd level of yoga teaching, another 250 hours at the Byron yoga centre.
I found it so much easier this time because Mario came for one of the weeks and we could hang out together sometimes.
Yoga really has changed my life and I try and practice yoga everyday even if it is a little pranyarma breathing some days.

Yoga has taught me many things and a lot of them has nothing to do with exercise.
The main thing yoga has taught me is to let go of perfection and be kinder to myself.
Thank you Byron Bay, you are my special place.
An extra bonus is this beautiful lighthouse and the beautiful walk up to it. I always try and do it everyday that I am there.
I am hanging out to get back. After cancelling 3 times since 2019, I hope to get there in August.